Why Hire AIIC Interpreters

AIIC interpreters

  • Have met AIIC’s rigorous competence and experience entry requirements
  • Abide by a strict code of professional ethics, including confidentiality

AIIC membership requirements

To be granted AIIC membership, a candidate must have:

  • A minimum of 150 days of work overall according to AIIC’s standards of professional practice
  • At least 3 sponsors, including 2 from the candidate’s region, who have listened to the candidate work at a meeting no more than three years prior to the date at which AIIC receives the candidate’s application.

The candidate’s sponsors must:

  • Be active members of AIIC
  • Have 5 years seniority in the languages they are sponsoring
  • Cover at least one of the candidate’s language pairs

Why hire AIIC interpreters?

  • Competence
  • Experience
  • Professionalism
  • Confidentiality

Members of AIIC have passed the scrutiny of their peers and the test of the market.